Desktop Applications with XAML. Part 2: Desktop Bridge

Desktop Applications with XAML. Part 2: Desktop Bridge

In the first part of the article I’ve shown how UWP can be great for creating desktop applications running on Windows 10. This might not be an option for you as you still need to support Windows 7 – or you have existing WPF applications that cannot be migrated that easily to UWP. In the second part of this article series I’m adding information how WPF applications can be enhanced with features from Windows 10. This time with the Desktop Bridge. Continue reading Desktop Applications with XAML. Part 2: Desktop Bridge

Desktop Applications with XAML. Part 1: UWP

Desktop Applications with XAML. Part 1: UWP

If you are creating WPF applications, what is the path going forward? What’s the best way going forward to build modern desktop applications. Of course, one way is to use HTML and JavaScript (or TypeScript) like it’s done with Visual Studio Code. However, XAML and C# is still a great way building desktop applications – with many fascinating options to go ahead. In this article series I explain what the options are – e.g. using the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) going forward, or enhancing WPF applications with new features. In the first part UWP has the focus. A later article follows where you can see how to use features from UWP within WPF.

With the article series I try to explain what the options are – and how you can decide to chose your best way going forward creating desktop applications with XAML and C#. Continue reading Desktop Applications with XAML. Part 1: UWP

Disposing Injected Services (or: Using Dependency Injection Scopes)

Disposing Injected Services (or: Using Dependency Injection Scopes)

The DI container Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection disposes registered services automatically. It’s just the question when the dispose takes place. Automatic dispose of transient and scoped services happen at the end of a scope. With ASP.NET Core applications, scopes are created with every HTTP request – after the request, services are disposed. This article shows creating and using DI scopes with XAML-based applications. Continue reading Disposing Injected Services (or: Using Dependency Injection Scopes)