
This is the blog from Christian Nagel and CN innovation with information for developers working with Microsoft technologies including .NET Core, Visual Studio, C#, Microsoft Azure, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), and ASP.NET Core.

Christian is the author of Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0, and other books, Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio, teaching and coaching developers, and presenting at conferences.


13 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Christian Nagel,

    I really enjoyed your book ‘Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0’. It is really helpful.

    Currently I’m trying to wrap my head around the new MEF library, Microsoft.Composition, and hitting a wall. I’m trying to get the function “ImportProperties” to work in order to use a convention builder and the “SatisfyImport” function to fill out list of lazyloaded plugins, but I’m stumped about what I should enter in the arguments of the ImportProperties function.

    Kind regards,

    Mischa Vreeburg


  2. Christian: where does the complete beginner start on the quest to become a .net developer using c#?
    Let’s say you have a class of teenagers who are bright, but have never coded. You are tasked with teaching them the foundation of the .net platform, using C#. You write up a high level syllabus. „Learn this first, then learn this, next learn that“ – until finally they are solidly grounded in how to use .net, c# and pretty good at that one thing (whatever that is) that will make them job ready. What does it take to say: „You are now qualified to do some development in X (asp.net, etc.) using C#, F#“, etc.
    Is it really as easy as going to https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn and picking a path that interests you?
    If you’ve written a book that will do some hand holding to get started, please let me know. If not, any advice is appreciated.


  3. William, my “Professional C#” book is geared to developers at least already knowing one programming language. The Wrox book “Beginning C#” is for beginners with step by step instructions. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn is also a good path for starting.
    If the teenagers don’t know programming at all, it might be a good idea to first pick a graphical programming path without .NET as starter – e.g. using Scratch. They easily can learn the foundation of programming with variables, loops, calling methods… See https://code.org. This site has different materials for all ages. Also see my article https://csharp.christiannagel.com/2018/06/08/childrenprogramming/. With small devices it’s even more interesting for the children.
    From there you can move into .NET and C#, using “Beginning C#”, or https://dotnet.Microsoft.com/learn. https://try.dot.net/ helps without the need to install anything.


  4. Hello Mister Christian! I just started to read your book Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0. Your book is amazing! Thank you for your hard work.
    I am beginner, just started to learn C# and Visual Studio. I have question for you. In your book you discribe Visual Studio 2017 and how to use C# in it. Please tell me, because i dont know, if to compare, is there alot of thing changed for now in VS 2019? I wonder, if i continue learning Visual Studio and C# with your book, is there alot of things different in VS 2019 from VS 2017? Or this difference small and if i continue studying your book i will not lose any important updates?

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Anatolii, yes, you will not lose any important updates. The first of the update chapters is soon to be completed and will be available with the other bonus chapters of the book at https://www.cninnovation.com/Books. Also follow my blog with updates to C# 8 (as well as the soon available C# 9) and newer .NET versions – e.g. the Host class covered in an article series starting here: https://csharp.christiannagel.com/2020/05/15/dependencyinjection-2/ All this information will also be part of the upcoming bonus chapters.

      Liked by 1 person

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